I jz 2 tired wit them. stil alive.. haha
Don be sorry 4 anytink, its not yr fault, my problem, n i cn't solve it myself.
I m d one who shld said so 2 make u worry n sad.
Good news: I m better 2day!
I noe I cn't do anytink now but jz 2 wait for my parents 2 decide.
But 4 now, i gonna spend my every mins 2 time wit my mummy, my sister, my frens, my room. hahaha, i gonna miss it when i go der.
Form 6 starts 2day, but i din go 2 school.
hahaha... no Y, bcoz my parents hvn decide whether i shld go 4 form 6 1st.
but we wil decide it on d 17 mAY.
sO it means if i SHOW UP on d 18, means i wil stay here.
there once i wanted 2 go back to HEHS n study wit my frens, bcoz my frens r der.
n my love ones... r der 2.
BUT i gv up at last, coz US is more attractive... haha, no la.
Actually, i love them, everytink in my past 5 yrs...
my frens, my yang qin, my school, my life
in order 2 fulfil my dream,
I noe I wil nid 2 study hard n apply 2 Columbia Uni, top ten Uni in US.
My future depends on it.
left abt 2 weeks more.
start thinking wat i shld buy n prepare. N the most important tink, brush up my english.
they speak eng der, no more chinese or malay anymore.
n i wil gonna hv my placement test der o the orientation day, but stil hvn prepared.
no idea wat 2 do ... no reference book or guide books... or tips.. hahaha
daddy now keep saying tat i jz stay here, don nid 2 go US. D reason is i don listen 2 him.
I DIN okay! did ntg wrong ...
i do evrytink u want.
Please GOD. Stop dis. I m so tired wit it.
Mummy go shopping n work wit me everyday. haha, we always b 2gther. Coz if everytink goes well then I wil b leavin here for 4 yrs. I ber she wil miss me n so do I.
Went 2 to Gurney 2day. Our Tea: A&W root beer and curly fries.. fattening.
Then go shopping of course.
Tie up my hair.. huhu..
stil not long enuf lar..
my dinner: Panda Instant Mee Soup .. haha .. for children d, but no mind lar.. my aunt give it 2 me d.. hahaha so cute lo.. jz a small bowl.
I talked 2 Kim 2day. thru MSN.
The best fren that angry wit me. He is now fine le.
Mayb we nid some more time 2 get use 2 it. coz we hv no conversations, sometimes speechless.
But bcoz of Felixy, it helps the situation 2 b better.
Thank You so MUCH!
haha.. Handsome Kim = Onion
haha.. felixy the pooh = xiao ren wu
haha.. Nats = Tsunami
happy and i cn't sleep....
at least we talked ... at least .. better than we bcom stranger 4ever.
Now, still worrying abt my flight date, but at least sometink makes me feel happy.
Wish for the best for all of us.
Especially to FU WA.. and PanDa : I wil nvr 4get the days we hd 2gether. I m glad 2 noe all of u.
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