还没去就很兴奋。。。 不过也没什么打扮就出门了,因为打算去Skate。。。
原本去skate的, 不过还是放弃了。。。因为我们四个都不会。。。
会的两个, 伟扬生病不能来,振宁跟另外一班朋友。。。
为了不要花十六块钱来跌倒。。 所以。。 哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。
去看戏了。。。 Angels & Demons. 18 PL。。。 不过我们都18了。。 哈哈哈
哦,我们还打电话叫钿煌一起来看。。。 哈哈哈。。 他是被慧娴骂来的。。 哈哈哈哈哈。。。
我跟着一班可爱的朋友。。。 最后决定去Fish Manhattan 吃lunch..
因为每次我跟朋友出去,我都是没意见要去哪里吃什么。。。 哈哈哈。。
我们四个人叫三个人吃的。。。不错,只是太多了。。。 吃不完。。 我们尽力了~ 还是就不活那些海鲜。。因为我们把它们吃掉了。。。
2.20pm 赶进场。。 哈哈哈。。 钿煌都到了呢。。。
位子有限嘛。。 所以我们两个坐在一起,另外三个坐在一起。。 隔壁而已因为中间是隔着一条行道。我跟秉洋坐,心莉慧娴钿煌一起.. 看了这部两个小时多的戏。。。 对我来说,OK啦。。
我比较喜欢的不是这一类型的。。 哈哈哈。。。
不过有刺激场面很多,就可以了。。 哈哈哈哈。。。
看完戏出来就4.45了。。。 不过心莉慧娴上了厕所就回家。。 她一直说她得回了所以我也没多说什么了。。。 当时只想到我惨了。。 两个男生,我要找话题讲话。。不然很尴尬~
他们又问我要去哪里?我哪里懂?。。。 就乱讲。。 说去Borders。就去了。。。
很很很很尴尬的。。 跟钿煌面对面是没话讲的。。。 秉洋就不同啦。。。 同班五年而且他坐在我旁边两年。。。 很好朋友了。。。 真心!! 而且天蝎跟天蝎的话题就比较多。。。 哈哈哈
不好意思啊,钿煌。。。 跟你用电话讲话比较习惯。。 哈哈哈。。。
没东西看就去Popular... 那边我有东西买。。。文具。。。
又买?因为怕不够,可以就买多一点。。 去那买很很很贵。。。 文具啦。。。 要剩一点,花钱要花在有意义的地方比较实际。。。 哈哈哈。。 这是我会说的话吗?
5.25秉洋回家。。 说他爸爸打来给他了。。 拜拜咯。
5.30钿煌回家。。 说他要去载弟弟补习。。 OK咯。。。。 拜拜
可是因为我很累了。。。 而且你们今天出来陪我就很很很好了。。。 一起玩的,很不容易!
结果自己走走。。。 反正习惯了嘛。。。。 六点多才回家。。。
回家,爸爸就说今天玩了就好了。。 我很累,嗯一声就走回房。。。 连我家外藏着别人我也不知道。。。 妈妈就说:可盈,快点冲凉了,爸爸带我们出去吃饭。。。
我还问她,去哪里吃?。。。她就说,town. 因为不同地方,不同衣服嘛。。。
我其实很累了,不想去。。 可是我还剩下10天跟全家人出去吃饭了。。 没办法咯。。 累也要去~
我冲了十五分钟。。 因为我还是很爱睡。。。 要用水把自己弄得清醒一点。。 hahaha
见鬼。。 我没有。。。睡醒吗?。。。
他们吓死我了,我也不用见人了。。 这么傻的样子。。 还没梳好头发~
我就傻掉,还好没有喊。。 可是我立刻跑回房间。。。
确定我自己不是在发梦。。。 哈哈哈哈哈。。
OMG。。how can all dis happen?
Wendy, Hui xian, Wooi Haur, Shu Fong, Kean Choon, Bing Yang, Chin Leng, Wei Yang, SKYBEAR, Tien hwang.. OMG...
invaders~ A home ATTACK? god.. i m having small fever n headache pain tat time. I m TIRED d.. so i m steam n blurred tat time...
I got heart attack ... bcoz of home attack... hahahha~
so xia shui!!! No FACEY liao la!!!!!!!!
Aiyo, i take abt half n hour 2 1 hour do refresh my mind, n make sure i m not dreaming.
God man ....
My mum is part of it 2.. she prepared cake (birthday cake), McDonanlds and sushi.
A LOT!!!! i wanna kill Wendy Chuah n My Mum le.. n d others.. god!!!!
okay, let me explain, d birthday cake... i m a november baby, but bcoz dis yr is my 18 bd, and i wil b der alone so.... they do it earlier. Oh god!!!! the cake.. so.. ar... funny ~
wit guitar, tree, ballon, panda... Oh i m like a baby.. Cartoon cake.. hahaha
I m so blur n steam tat time.. but they stil wan 2 take pic.. so ... i guess when d photo is ready, u wil c steam girl jz woke up... so funny d.. hahahhaa
oh, TQ 2 all of u!! The wishes I made oni 3. hahaha.. I bluf them coz i duwan 2 b 4 yrs older.
ahahaha... Blek! I dun care i m 18 oni, k?hahahaha
Oh ya, kean choon n sky bear, so shocked 2 c u both.. ar~~~
Skybear!! hahaha, thanks 4 coming!
and the 4 ppl who gone out wit me 2day, ... i jz cn't blieve dis wil ever happen 2 me..
thank you so much , especially wendy n hui xian.
I no u both d organizers, thank you, i love u !!!
Later, xinjue n yuan zhong come 2. hahaha.. my sis! ar.. i Love u lar..
so sorry u hv exams 2ml n yet u stil come. I lOVE U!
hahhaha.. everyone is giving me presents, thank you so much! I m 2 happy..
But i won't cry! Tough girl!! hahahaha..
TQ TQ TQ vry much 2 all of u.
Wei yang kor kor sang I'm yrs... hahaha
not bcoz he is mine, the oni song he can sing now coz without lyrics, hahahahaa...
he is late, wendy punished him. Asked him 2 sing, so pity coz he is having flu. AIYO..
hahaha, but i m very happy 4 all dis le..
hahahah... then chin leng sing 2.. hahaha so nice!
they use 2 sing everyday in d class. hahahha
n chin leng's show time.. hahaha. miss tat a lot 2.. hahahaha..
keep joking, we cn't stop laughing. hahahah
We played games.
The chairs GAME.. aiyo i duno wats the name of the game.. hahahha..
so tired. keep 'JUMP'ing here n der. aiyo...
2 chairs broke, hahaha, nvm la. coz not mine, hahaha...
very nice... but 1 tink 4 sure everyone is enjoying, includ Skybear. haha
i jz scare he wil b alienated, u noe those r my frens, n d oni person he knew is me. hahaha
But dis does not happen, every1 hv fun. hahha
especially d killer, doctor n police game.
God i been killed, so innocent.. or they suspect i was d killer. Aiyo.. so so so so sad.
killer 1, khaw tien hwang
killer 2, yeap suh fong
killer 3, skybear
3 of them killed me n no doctor save my lifes. then d police.. useless.. hahaha.. no lar.. its oni bcoz d killers are tricky. hahahahaha
there is one time, i m d doctor, i go save some1 but i been killed by d killer. big sacrifice!
hahahaha.. everyone enjoyed d games.
i can c it from kean choon, bing yang, suh fong and chin leng. hahaha.
oh my darling wendy's toe hurt during d games. aiyoyo.. ... luckily not so serious~
thank you ar, i love u so much.
i m angry at 1st coz u all played at me, but thanks 4 everytink. I jz... so happy!
oh, the cake, i finish it all myself. erm, dis is d 1st time, so its ok!
hahaha... ^^ mum said i m crazy, nanti i got fever. tak payah pergi liao lu... hahahha
kidding, i wil drink more water.
I wil nid 2 make sure i m always in good condition n no fever n flu. Antibody strong~ haha.
My bd presents.. A bit early but i appreciate all dis very much. TQ my frens! ^^
I read d wishes in the bottle. thanks all of u.
nO FLu N nO fEveR! as wat u said bingyang.
I wil take care of myself n study hard!
TQ my 2 honey, wendy n HUI xian~
Daddy Wooi Haur, I wil listen n rmbr wat u hv said n taught.
Uncle Soon, I m still young, so i make i won't 4get u. Might consider 2 wear 5 clothes when i go out... during winter. hahahah
Suh fong, so glad u r here! haha.
Tien Hwang, Best Fren!
Chin Leng cool fren!! hahaha, gonna b some1 u can proud of!
TQ: Wooi Haur, Kean Choon, Shu Fong, Hui Xian, Wendy, Chin leng, Bing Yang, Skybear, Yuan Zhong, Tien Hwang.
LAST TINK: the photo taken at my hse wil nid wendy 2 upload.. ><
the longest Blog.. TQ
okok.. haha..
ReplyDeletesure ^^
ReplyDeletehey, don b like dis...
ReplyDeletei noe u r good n cool... come back 2 c u 4 yrs later. I hate here...
it jz a difficult life for me.